Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) Fellowship (Florida) in the United States of America
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2 years ago
Description The course of Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery in the United States of America is ideally suited for surgeons and gynecologists interested in acquiring knowledge and skills for establishing a career in Laparoscopy. Candidates will be exposed to advanced laparoscopic procedures also and will be able to assist in the actual operations. The Laparoscopic surgery training course in Celebration, Orlando, Florida, USA is created and designed in such a scientific manner that after this laparoscopic surgery training program surgeons, and gynecologists will be able to do all the taught laparoscopic surgery on their own for their patients. For more information contact: World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi INDIA Phone: +919811416838 World Laparoscopy Training Institute Bld.No: 27, DHCC, Dubai UAE Phone: +971525857874 World Laparoscopy Training Institute 8320 Inv Dr, Tallahassee, Florida USA Phone: +1 321 250 7653
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