What is Laparoscopic Myomectomy?
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2 years ago
Laparoscopic Myomectomy or da Vinci Robotic Myomectomy is a surgical procedure of removing fibroids through small abdominal incisions. Laparoscopic Myomectomy is suggested and advised for those who experience problems due to fibroids. This procedure is usually recommended when the woman wants the fibroids to be removed but wants to preserve the uterus. Fibroids affect daily life as they cause problems such as pelvic pain or pressure, heavy menstrual bleeding, urinary frequency, or incontinence. Why is Laparoscopic Myomectomy done? If there are many causes and symptoms that trouble your normal activities such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure, or urinary incontinence, then doctors can suggest a laparoscopic myomectomy. Some of the reasons to choose myomectomy are – For more information please contact: World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi INDIA Phone:+919811416838
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