Laparoscopic Round Ligament Fibroid Removal by Two Port
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2 years ago
This video demonstrates laparoscopic surgery for Round Ligament Fibroid Removal by Two Port by Dr. R.K. Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital. Round ligament fibroids occur in the extraperitoneal portion of the ligament and are mostly seen to the right of the adnexa for still unknown reasons. These fibroids usually resemble an inguinal hernia, lymphadenopathies, ovarian cysts, and other pelvic masses because of the localization. There are several cases reporting management of round ligament fibroids via laparotomy in the literature. However, with recent advancements in laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic approaches are more feasible and advantageous than laparotomy, with the additional benefits of a shorter hospital stay and recovery periods. The diagnosis of round ligament fibroids is challenging. The presentation may be asymptomatic but must be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of adnexal torsions. Laparoscopy can be the first choice where operation room settings are available.
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