Laparoscopic Hysterectomy And Appendectomy Using Illuminated Ureteral Stent Step Step Demonstration

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2 years ago


This video demonstrates Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy step by step using an infrared ureter stent together with appendectomy. The combination procedure is very easy to perform by laparoscopy. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy remains a reasonable substitute for abdominal hysterectomy. Laparoscopic hysterectomy together with appendectomy is a cost-effective procedure when done with reusable instruments. Laparoscopic hysterectomy with ureteric stenting with an infrared catheter is a safe procedure, even when performed by a variety of gynecologists with different skill levels, and its adoption can decrease abdominal incision hysterectomies. For more information please contact: World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR DELHI INDIA 122002 Phone & WhatsApp: +919811416838, + 91 9999677788