Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Large Deep Intramural Myoma

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2 years ago


This video demonstrates Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Large Deep Intramural Myoma which was intending the cavity. Laparoscopic myomectomy using pneumoperitoneum for large myomas like 12 cm or more is now very popular altho it is difficult by several factors, such as the increased operative time, the risk of perioperative bleeding, and the risk of conversion to laparotomy. With the introduction of skilled surgeons in laparoscopy using good suturing skills, this procedure can be performed using laparoscopic surgical instruments introduced through small abdominal incisions. The aim of this video is to evaluate the feasibility, reproducibility, and safety of laparoscopic myomectomy for very large myomas ≥10 cm using three-port. For more information please contact: World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR DELHI INDIA 122002 Phone & WhatsApp: +919811416838, + 91 9999677788