Laparoscopic Myomectomy Step by Step Video
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This video demonstrate all the steps of laparoscopic myomectomy. Surgeons who have the experience and skill and know the size, number, and position of fibroids are able to select the appropriate candidates for laparoscopic myomectomy. Authors of a study of 2,050 laparoscopic myomectomies found that fibroids larger than 5 cm, removal of more than 3 fibroids, and broad ligament fibroids were more likely to be associated with major complications, including visceral injury, conversion to laparotomy, and bleeding requiring blood transfusion. For all women considering laparoscopic or robot-assisted myomectomy, Surgeon should order pelvic MRI with and without contrast. Having the radiologist limit the number of MRI sequences may reduce the cost and make it comparable to that of other imaging modalities. Fibroids may affect quality of life—they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, or urinary frequency or incontinence. For many women who want large or numerous fibroids removed but the uterus preserved, abdominal myomectomy is required. Smaller and less numerous fibroids usually can be managed laparoscopically or with robotic assistance.
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