How to Perform Safe TVT, TOT and TVTO Lecture by Dr R K Mishra

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This video demonstrate How to Perform Safe TVT, TOT and TVTO Lecture by Dr R K Mishra. Comparison of TVT, TVT-O/TOT and mini slings for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Even though TO tapes and SIMS seem more efficient than TVT, they carry a risk of SUI re-occurrence that must be weighted towards the risk of potential complications after TVT. Trans Obturator (TO) group prevailed in efficiency with no significant differences between trans obturator route with inside-out (TVT-O) and outside-in (TOT). Success rate at 30th month evaluation, was higher in the TO group than in Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) or Single-Incision Mini Slings (SIMS) group (93.4% vs 89.5%, 93.4% vs. 91.7%).