How to Perform Safe Laparoscopic Burch Suspension Surgery - Lecture by Dr R K Mishra
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This video demonstrate How to Perform Safe Laparoscopic Burch Suspension Surgery lecture by Dr R K Mishra. Laparoscopic Burch colposuspension provides high long-term success rates, reduced morbidity, and accelerated convalescence. A growing number of studies have shown the laparoscopic Burch to have results similar to traditional laparotomy when conventional surgical techniques and suture materials are used. When we limit the discussion to 2 comparable techniques—a laparoscopic versus open 2-suture procedure—there is moderately strong evidence that the laparoscopic approach maintains efficacy while modestly reducing morbidity. The selection of suture material and the total number and placement of sutures are crucial to the long-term cure rate.
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