Robotic Tubal Receanalization Surgery
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Robotic assisted tubal reversal surgery is a surgical procedure in which the Fallopian tubes are repaired by a surgeon using a remotely controlled, robotic surgical system. The robotic system involves two components: a patient side-cart (also referred to as the robot) and a surgeon's console. The robot is placed adjacent to the patient and has several attached arms. Each arm has a unique surgical instrument and performs a specialized surgical function. The surgeon sits near the patient at the surgeon's console and visualizes the surgery through a monitor. The surgeon performs the entire reversal surgery using controllers located inside the surgeon's console. Robotic tubal ligation reversal uses the same small incisions as a traditional laparotomy tubal reversal surgery. Smaller incisions generally result in less pain and quicker return to work when compared to traditional tubal ligation reversal using larger abdominal incisions. The robotic system offers a greater range of motion and more surgical dexterity than a surgeon can obtain during laparoscopic tubal ligation reversal, but not as much dexterity as with an open procedure using a 2 to 3 inch incision. The disadvantages to robotic surgery are longer operating times and much higher costs than even traditional laparoscopic surgery.
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