Ipom Inguinal Hernia Surgery by Suturing - Personnel Technique Dr R K Mishra

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This video demonstrate experimental Ipom Inguinal Hernia Surgery by Suturing - Personnel Technique of Dr R K Mishra. So far we have perform 36 cases of IPOM inguinal hernia surgery with two year followup and the results are encouraging. Any long term randomized control trial is required to see the feasibility of this technique. he IPOM repair has largely fallen from favor, and currently, the most commonly performed laparoscopic techniques are the TEP and TAPP repairs. Although many facets of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair continue to be debated—such as the possible superiority of one laparoscopic approach to another but IPOM technique we are trying to redefine in our study. At World Laparoscopy Hospital, Dr R K Mishra has developed his personnel experience on laparoscopic hernioplasty using the Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Repair (IPOM) in 36 patients. In this technique Mishra's knot is used to fix the Mesh. In thhis stydy of suturing technique of Viporo II mesh, all the patients were suffering from either direct or indirect inguinal hernia and only few of them included who had recurrent inguinal hernia, 7 of which were recurrent and 20 had a unilateral hernia, and 9 had bilateral inguinal hernia. The hernia repair was performed utilizing Vipro II Mesh and the prostheses were fixed with titanium spiral tacks (Protack, AutoSuture, Tyco Healthcare) and few of the were fixed with the covedian absorbable tacker AbsorbaTack™ (ABSTACK30X) Fixation Device .