Podcast of World Laparoscopy Hospital

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Laparoscopic surgery Training is essential for the surgeon and gynecologist who wants to learn this highly skilled branch of surgery. According the Dr. R.K. Mishra Director World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, India "The perioperative complication rate between trainees and mentor is great and the beginners without laboratory trainings could not perform simple laparoscopic surgery like laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic hysterectomy safely and effectively" The operative skill after they participated in staged clinical laparoscopic training markedly improves. Laparoscopic surgery has been associated with less minor complications and shorter duration of hospital stay when compared to open surgery and it is now the essential skill for any general surgeon and gynecologist. Laparoscopic surgery has therefore replaced open surgery for many surgical and gynecological procedures over the years. Due to the lack of good laparoscopic training institute and equipment for laparoscopic surgery, this is rarely the case in resource-constrained developing countries. However, it is important to remember that the use of laparoscopy could have implications in reducing the financial burden on the often overstretched health care systems in these regions poor patients while at the same time improving the well-being of patients who earn by their physical efforts.