Laparoscopic Oophorectomy for Ovarian Torsion

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This video demonstrates Laparoscopic Oophorectomy for Ovarian Torsion performed by Dr. R K Mishra. Ovarian torsion is a surgical emergency. If not treated quickly, it can result in the loss of an ovary. It's unclear how often ovarian torsion occurs, but doctors agree that it's an uncommon diagnosis. You may be more likely to experience ovarian torsion if you have ovarian cysts, which can cause the ovary to swell. The most common ultrasound finding in torsion is enlargement or edema of the ovary. Commonly an ovarian mass or cyst can be visualized and in, later stages, free pelvic fluid (indicating hemorrhage) can be seen. CT in ovarian torsion is nonspecific, with the most common finding being an enlarged ovary or ovarian mass. For more detail